South American Cichlids
African Jewel Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Albino Convict Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Albino Heckelii Eartheater
Albino Threadfin Acara Acarichthys Heckelli Luo Han
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Albino Kribensis Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Baby Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Subject to change depending on availability
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Baby Green Terror Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Baby Jaguar Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Balzanii Eartheater
Balzani's Earth Eater, Humphead Eartheater, Paraguay Eartheater
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Blockhead/ Lionhead Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Blue Acara Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Blue African Jewel Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Blue Thai Silk Flowerhorn
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Convict Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Demon Eartheater
Satanoperca Jurupari. Subject to change depending on availability.
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Fire Mouth Cichlid
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Flameback Cichlid
Lake Victoria in the southern part of the lake belonging entirely to Tanzania.
Call for Price: 011 826 5887
Golden Saum Green Terror (Humphead)
Call for Price: 011 826 5887